400 Top GPT-4 Prompts


  1. What are the biggest problems facing industries today? What do you consider to be the biggest problem facing our country/world? Is there anything you think society needs to fix ?
  2. Develop a [short-term or long-term] business strategy for [company or product], focusing on [growth, profitability, or market share] in [industry or market].
  3. Propose cost reduction and efficiency improvement strategies for a retail company's warehouse operations, focusing on process optimization and automation.
  4. Develop a risk mitigation plan for a manufacturing company, addressing potential threats or challenges such as supply chain disruptions or workforce shortages.
  5. Evaluate the feasibility of expanding a renewable energy company's product offering to include energy storage solutions, considering market trends and customer needs.
  6. Propose a partnership strategy for a travel agency, identifying potential partners and evaluating the synergies and risks involved.
  7. If I had $100,000 in cash lying around, what would I spend it on? How would you invest that money? Would you use part of it to finance your business? Or would you go on a vacation somewhere?